These iPhone images show the Mobile Express Checkout flow I worked on when PayPal still had a “mobile” team in 2011-2012. Soon after, mobile became a requirement for every product team
PayPal is where I really learned how critical user experience is to the success of a product and how web technologies could be harnessed into extremely useful tools relied on by millions. This is also where I decided to leave my role as a UI Engineer and shift my career to be a UX practitioner.
Main accomplishments
- Key team member of new project using Node and React to integrate PayPal checkout in any page
- Senior Designer/Developer on the PayPal Mobile team
- Worked closely with engineers, designers, QA testers, project and product managers on many checkout projects
- Managed the exploration and development of Checkout tablet experience
- Optimization Team member exploring A/B multivariate tests to improve user experience in PayPal products
Skillset expansion
- Design tools (Adobe Creative suite, Sketch, OmniGraffle)
- Web technologies/tools (HTML5, CSS3, Node, Git)
- Creating User Experience Design specs
- Introduction to User-centered design (UCD)
- Responsive Web Design vs Mobile Design
- Accessibility/Section 508 compliance
- Agile/Lean methodologies
- Frontend frameworks
- Usability (A/B testing, lab observation, studies)